As you may know, I am raising two children in a one-income household. However, I am not one of those women who chases behind a man for child support or asking for this or asking for that. I just do not believe I need to do that when the Lord has blessed me with good health and with a good job. Now, call me stupid, but as a child of God, the Bible tells me that I should not worry what I will eat or drink or wear. Matthew 6:33 tells me that the most important thing I should want is God's Kingdom and doing what God wants. Then all these other things will be given to me. I am a walking testimony of how good the Lord has been to me and my household. I am reminded each time I contemplate if I should be aggressive in pursuing child support, but time and time again, I get the same response, that is, Psalm 121. "Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." As a child of God, a true believer in the promises of the Lord, I know that the Lord supplies and will continue to supply ALL my needs. You see, this is not about pride or stupidity, it is about forgiveness and spiritual maturity. God will take care of men and women who do not do what they are supposed to do as mothers and fathers. What good will paying child support do for my child if that man is not there for my child? What good does child support do if you do not teach about God in your household? I do not have a lot, but I thank God that each and every day He wakes me up, I am able to go to work and make an honest living that I can provide for my children. I give God all praises and glory because I am highly favored and blessed! That is what matters the most.
God bless you.
Therese from Belize
Hello dear one! God is our way and He delights to care for us, when we trust Him! You say you're taken care of? Bless the Lord! For you don't have to worry yourself about chasing after money from someone who obviously cant or doesnt want to give it. For sure you're not stupid to trust the Lord. God will continue to supply your needs. I know you trust Him! Thanks for that testimony.