Rev. Marvin King, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Winchester, Kentucky had suggested two things about people who like to make excuses: one, people who often use excuses accomplish nothing; and two, people often make excuses because they do not believe God could use them too.
I believe that people get so comfortable with making excuses because their hearts are broken and their bones have all dried up. Proverbs 17:22 says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." (KJV) My friends, here is the good news! No need to keep making excuses because of your broken spirit. Ah, for a broken spirit can be reversed, in the name of Jesus. The Word of God roots out a broken spirit. The Word of God brings joy and peace to the heart. The Word of God is good medicine for the entire being. The Word of God brings laughter and cheer. The Word of God brings energy, and then action is put in motion!
The truth is that God wants to use each of us. HE cannot use us, however, if we keep making excuses. I am determined to make my bones active for the Lord! And, like Pastor Anna Davis of Christ Temple New Assembly Apostolic Church of Lexington, KY, even when I die, I pray that God will continue to use my bones!
Today is your day of commitment. Stop making excuses because it accomplishes nothing. The prophet Jeremiah, even in his difficult time of wanting to give up, realized that the Word is like a fire. Jeremiah 20:9 tells us, "But if I say, 'I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,' his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot." (NIV)
I urge you, get in God's Word, believe in HIS Word, and commit your plans to the Lord. You will reap the reward of a cheerful spirit. Your attitude will improve; you will become revived and rejuvenated; and you will have that drive to put your plan into action. God's Word will be like a fire, a fire shut up in your bones! Glory be to God.
Ta ta,
Therese from Belize