My friends, I write today with such humility because the devil has been trying everything to get me discouraged in my work with youth ministry. Today, has been a difficult day because I began to feel discouraged, but my Lord told me to keep moving forward. After I prayed for courage to continue my work with the ministry, I looked at a motivational note that I have posted on my wall in my office from Ralph S. Marston, Jr., titled "BE REAL".
Mr. Marston wrote:
"The world will often discourage you from giving love. Give love anyway.
Many times, despite your best efforts, you will not be understood. Keep giving it your best anyway.
The treasures in life are not what you get back. Those things are only shadows of life’s true value.
The real treasures are what you are able to give yourself.
And as long as you give authentically, from the heart, with the best you have, it doesn't really matter what comes of it.
It’s nice to be acknowledged and respected and understood.
Yet even when you’re not acknowledged or understood, there is still great value in doing what you know is right, what you know is best.
Smile a peaceful smile to the depth of your being. Be real, and know that all is well."
It is just amazing how time and time again the Lord sends something or someone my way to give me that message; His answer to what I need to do or where I need to go. I will not let the devil tamper with my service to the Lord. The devil is a liar and I detest liars. I stand on the promises of my Lord. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells me "Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." (N.I.V.) I just give God all the praise because He has my back time and time again. My friends, do not ever, ever let the devil try to let you give up on something that God has ordained. Just keep praising God, surround yourself with "real" people, and keep on stepping.
I give God all the praise and glory, because He is the same yesterday, today, and always! My friends, I will keep moving forward as the Lord has directed me to do. I pray you will pick up yourself too and keep moving forward. Please pray for me and I will pray for you.
God bless,
Therese from Belize
We know that when the devil starts acting up the strongest is when we're the closest to our breakthrough! Perservere! Love Anna Renee