My friends, to our most glorious God,whose name is worthy to be praised!
I write tonight with all vigor and enthusiasm because even though the devil is trying to let me look in my rear view mirror, I will keep moving forward. I thank God for the anointment of my Pastor, Rev. Felix G. Williams,III. I am telling you the honest truth, this man of God always teaches and delivers the Word directly from God to me.
Rev. Williams said something to me that really touched the very core of my heart. He said that when one quits, it shows lack of character to handle issues of your life. This hit home for me because just recently I thought about quitting and just retreating to the comforts of my personal space. Retreating, I know, will shield me from people whom I do not want to deal with and those whom I simply cannot tolerate around me. This sounds harsh to say as a disciple, but it is the truth. But, to God be the glory, I am not going quit because I have a strong character, I have integrity and I have determination. However, I need the strength to carry on; that is where endurance comes in. Rev. Williams said that sometimes instead of praying to the Lord to get us out of something, we must pray asking God to help us "go through" whatever it is we are going through.
This word, "endurance" is used in many arenas, so I went to the dictionary to look for the simplest definition. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines endurance as "the ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially, the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity." My friends, in running this race of life, we need endurance for sure. Psalm 30:5 encourages me that "...weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the the morning time." When we endure, we come out victorious. The enemy cannot stand us when we endure the pain, the injustice, the accusations, the struggles, the test. When we endure, God promises us to bring us out and because we have God's promises to bring us out, we have hope.
Romans 15:4 says, "For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope." I do not know about you, but as for me, I will keep on running this race, I will endure, because when I look back over my life where I have been to where I am now, it is only by the grace of God that I came through victorious of all the adversities, struggles, battles, injustice, accusations and tests. My friends, it is important that we endure our situations because we do not want to give the devil anything to rejoice over. I am going through this race with my character, integrity, hope, and determination intact because I know I serve an awesome God who gives us what we ask for. If we ask the Lord for endurance during a difficult time, trust me, He will do just that. God delights in His children asking Him for help. I urge you to stay in the race, even if you are in last place, but just do not give up. Giving up, according to Rev. Williams, are for quitters who have no character, integrity or determination. God bless you and may He give you the endurance you need to finish the race, the endurance to carry on the work, the endurance to kick the devil to the curb! As we know, what is important is not how we start the race,but it is how we finish the work.
I pray that if you are thinking about quitting, that you keep your head forward, do not look back in that rear view mirror. Keep pressing forward with all determination and strength. To God be the glory.
Peace and love,
Ta ta
Therese from Belize
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