God's name is worthy to be praised! I thank God for a new day, a new beginning. As I take on my new role in directing my church's Youth For Christ Ministry, reality has set in...I am in need of a "Paul" in my life.
Rev. Angela Lee Price made me step back and evaluate myself in directing my church's youth ministry. She told me that it seems I am still committed to women's ministry, and I have not fully embraced the youth ministry aspect of my life. I contemplated what she told me and I tell you, she is totally right. I know God has anointed this area of my life and I must be obedient to His will and stay on course. Since I am new in this aspect of ministry, I have begun to start reading articles and look at various youth ministry websites. I came across a very interesting article. The article was titled, The Graying of the American Youth Worker, by David Olshine, Co-founder of Youth Ministry Coaches and Director of Youth Ministries, Columbia International University, Columbia, South Carolina.
Mr. Olshine, in his article, made several great points to help youth ministry workers. However, the point in his article that really resonated with me was his point on refocusing and re-energizing. Mr. Olshine's first point on refocusing and re-energizing is for me to find a Paul, for me be a Timothy. He said that there are few youth workers in their late 30s and 40s who have older mentors. In his article, he stated that we must find an older, wise person to walk with us. My friends, I just love it when God confirms what I need to do and how I need to do it. Thank you Lord.
As you know, I have written so much on Paul because I just love him, I see myself like Paul. God had to blind me in order to make me see the light. I work hard to carry out God's will, that is, spreading the good news of Jesus Christ to any and every one. So, those of you who know me well, know I am not a quitter. I have not quit at anything I have set out to do, so I am not giving up on youth ministry, but I do need a mentor, I need support, I need encouragement, I need a Paul. I will finish this race that I have set out to run. I am a survivor, I have never given up and I will not let Satan get in the way of my doing God's work in youth ministry. Mr. Olshine said Paul was a true survivor. And like Paul, I will keep pressing on and keep holding on to my faith in Christ. In Paul's second letter to his protege, Timothy, he said, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7, N.C.V.)
Please continue to pray for me as I set out to do God's will in youth ministry. Please pray for me that I will fight the good fight and will finish the race, while keeping the faith.
God bless.
Ta ta,
Therese from Belize
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