Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Refreshing Review

Greetings, my friends:

In case you are wondering, I have been taking a few days off, as I still have family visiting. We have been conducting awesome fellowships and watching great Christian movies. I especially enjoyed the movie Fireproof. If you are married or even separated, but are fighting to save your marriage, you should definitely review this movie. It is based on Christian principles and love. I also watched several of Tyler Perry's movies and those movies too all have Christian messages based on family and relationships. I have not had a chance as yet to watch One Night With The King, but that is on my "to-watch" movie list! I have also been reviewing some of Bishop T.D. Jakes' past sermons. I introduced my sister to the He-Motions sermon. You may know that the bishop had originally written the He-Motions book for men, but in the sermon, he had included some messages for women. I recommend you watch this sermon in its entirety or get the book.

Bishop Jakes message to women in his He-Motions sermon was that women need to understand when men are in their "turning" stage. When men "turn" it is usually because something has happened in their lives, such as the loss of a job, death in the family, finances are messed up, kids are getting in trouble, etc. It is at this point in their "turn" that women must be supportive of the men. It is at this point in a man's life that if the woman is careful, she may lose her man/husband/son. Bishop Jakes said that when men are at that "turning" stage, they get in a spiritual coma. A spiritual coma is a stage that one goes through when you are giving up on your family, on your life, and you do not want to be encouraged. However, when men are in a spiritual coma, that is the time that women must be supportive, must be loving, must be peaceful, must build-up the man instead of bring him down.

My friends, when that man gets in the "turn", I plea with you to hold on for dear life. Hold on, don't let him make that turn by himself. If you do, that may mean the end of your marriage, the break-up of your family. I encourage you to please be supportive, please be sensitive to a man's needs when he is in the "turn". Just hold on to him, hold on for dear life. When he is in the "turn", I urge you to please do not nag him, please do not curse him, please do not berate him. Have understanding, be that supportive shoulder for him to lean on, be patient, be kind, be loving, be empathetic, just be there for him.

As Paul advises us in James 1:19-20, "...we must always be willing to listen and slow to speak; do not become angry easily because anger will not help you live the right kind of life God wants.

Kryptonite - weakness

*There is a king in every kid, and a kid in every king, however, if someone does not acknowledge the king in the kid, the kid will forever be a kid.

I hope you will take some time to review the bishop's sermon. I need to thank Minister Tony Wilson for bringing this sermon to my attention. He had told me about it and I had to listen to the sermon for myself. You do the same.

Stay in prayer, please forgive, please love, please be kind, but you must keep God first in your life.

Ta ta,
Therese from Belize

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