Sunday, November 22, 2009

I Will Trust The Lord

My friends, I pray all is well with you. I give God all the honor and glory for He is my light and my salvation! I thank God for His mercy and grace. I thank God that He forgives me for all my shortcomings.

As I prepare for the new work week, I am declaring that the devil is liar. On Friday, I read Mayor Newberry's press release about the possibility of lay-offs, pay reduction, furloughs, elimination of city programs. As I keep on reading the release, I began to think about the "what-ifs" instead of praying to the Lord. You know, I began to think about what if I get lay off, how how will I pay my mortgage, pay the bills, put food on the table, pay the after-school program. My mind just raced on and on and on about the "what-ifs". However, once I got home and I relaxed I went to the Word. I was not about to let the devil had his way with me on a Friday evening, and being that it was my birthday too. The devil is a liar. I began to praise the Lord because I am a living witness of God's goodness and mercy. I am living witness of how God opens doors when there seems to be no way out.

The Spirit led me to Psalm 145:14-15, "The Lord helps those who have been defeated and takes care of those who are in trouble. All living things look to You for food, and You give it to them at the right time. You open Your hand and You satisfy all living things." Psalm 145:17-19 says, "Everything the Lord does is right. He is loyal to all He has made. The Lord is close to everyone who prays to Him, to all who truly pray to Him. He gives those who respect Him what they want. He listens when they cry, and He saves them." I put all my hope and trust in the Lord. I will keep trusting in the Lord because He has the final say. I will keep praising the Lord, I will keep believing in the Lord, I will keep praying to the Lord because He is the head of my household. I know that my help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and earth!

To God be the glory. I pray to the Lord that as I return to my workplace, I will be able to share a word of encouragement with my fellow co-workers. I pray that the Lord will use me to do His will in the workplace. I give the Lord my worries and my burden, because the Bible tells me so. Jesus says, "Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust in me." John 14:1.

My friends, please pray for me and I will pray for you. I ask God for continued strength and courage as I go on serving Him. I will keep on serving the Lord while I am waiting. I trust you will do the same.

Peace and love
Ta ta,
Therese from Belize

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