Greetings, my friends! To God be the glory! Today, I came home and reflected on my Pastor's sermon, No Child Left Behind, which was based on Matthew 2:14. Rev. Williams made three statements which have really stuck in my mind. They are:
1) Know that your geography has nothing to do with your destiny.
This is so true. I am from Belize, a small Central American/Caribbean country. I come from a low socio-economic background. However, my parents did not let our low status defined who we are or who we will become. Today, I am a U.S. citizen, I am employed by the local government; I am well-traveled; I am educated; I have a bank account.
2) As parents, you have to learn how to dream for your children because the devil wants to destroy the present in order to cancel your children's future.
My parents, Tony and Marva Wright, are from families that did not inspire them to dream; their parents did not have any dreams for them, but what a mighty God we serve! You see, my parents did not let their family history and ignorance stop them from being the parents they always wanted to be. They dreamed big dreams for their children because they know the promises of the Bible. My parents always told us we can be whatever we want to be. They always told us the sky is the limit, we just need to do the work, they will be by our sides every step of the way. My parents made sure we were not "left behind" despite our social, economic and geographic status. During the summer, when our neighborhood friends would be taking trips to the United States or attending camps, my parents bought us books to study; my Dad would leave spelling words for us, so when he came home in the evenings, he reviewed those words with us. My friends, the message is this: just because you are where you are right now does not mean that your children have to be there too in the future.
3) People try to kill dreams, but your purpose will always outlast the devil's plans.
That is right. As parents, we must not let anyone interfere with our children's future. In fact, we must dream big things for your children. Imagine your children being astronauts, doctors, educators, lawyers, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, scientists, and you speak this into them, guess what? They will believe. Do not let your situation, economic, social or geographic, determine your children's future. Speak life into your children; confirm and affirm over their lives what great treasures of God they are. Inspire your children to become.
My friends, let us take a look at the Book of Matthew Chapter 7, verses 7 and 8. These verses tell us to "ask and it shall be given to you; seek and ye shall find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, received; he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." (NIV) All glory to God for parents who love and adore Him; for parents who put God first is rewarded fully. Parents who put God first know the reward that is in store for their children; they see God's promises come to past in their children's dreams coming through!
Be blessed, I pray blessings over your children's lives, in the name of Jesus.
Ta ta,
Therese from Belize
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