These past few days have been very difficult for me as a disciple, because I had to ask the Lord why so many of His children are being attacked spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically. Do not get me wrong, I know each and every day God's children get attacked, but for some reason, this week a sense of sadness came over me as I reached out to my brothers and sisters in Christ who are hurting. However, God sent me to Rev. Angela Lee Price blog site. Rev. Price had written a blog, Jesus Is The Way, from John 14:1, "Let not your heart be troubled, ye believe in God, believe also in me." I thank God for always giving me confirmation of what I need to do.
My friends, in times of trouble our Lord Jesus Christ can give us comfort, can dry our eyes, can give us our sanity and peace and joy. "Oh what a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and grief to bear. Oh what a privilege to carry everything to the Lord in prayer." God tells us we do not need to bear the load on our own, we just need to take the load to Him in prayer! Sometimes, because we are so emotionally caught up in a situation, we forget that all we need to do is pray and take it to the Lord. When we get in agreement with the Lord, He moves mountains, he removes every obstacle that is in our way. Sometimes, we seek out family and friends first and we must be careful who we seek out. Seek out friends who will get on their knees and pray with and for you. Turn to friends who are spiritually rich because they will be able to lead you to the Lord; they may lead you to the right scripture that will provide comfort and optimism to you. My friends, we must discipline ourselves that when we face trouble, we must first take our troubles to the Lord.
My friends, be careful who you share your troubles with because misery loves company. In John 15:15, our true friend, the Lord Jesus Christ assures us, "...I have called you friends, for everything I have learned from my Father I have made known to you." Jesus wants to be our friends, but this will only happen when we believe and trust in Him.
May God bring you peace, love and joy today and always.
Ta ta,
Therese from Belize
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