Thursday, December 3, 2009

We All Have A Testimony

I pray everyone is doing well and, of course, staying prayed up. My friends, when we put God first in our lives, I am telling you, something exciting always happens! As David said in Psalm 65:5, "You answer us in amazing ways, God our Savior." My testimony is that we serve an awesome God who always answers us in an amazing way. The Lord our Father always sends someone our way to give us that extra push, that extra word of encouragement or sends that person to speak life into whatever situation we are facing. My friends, I am finding out each day in this walk with Christ that we all have a story; a story of how the Lord kept us; a story of how the Lord saves us from destruction; a story of how the Lord provided for us when we did not even have two nickles to rub together; a story of a loving God who gave us promotion on the job even when the qualifications did not match the position; a story of forgiveness and service, all in obedience to His will. To God be the glory!

My friends, my testimony is simple, but true...God always, always, always hear the prayer of His children. He heard mine. I just give God all the praise and glory for the people I surround myself with who speak life over me. Today, I was encouraged by three women who shared their personal testimonies with me. I was truly not expecting testimonies, but the Lord knew I needed to hear their testimonies. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. To God be the glory!

Psalm 67:1-2, "God, have mercy on us and bless us,and show us your kindness
so the world will learn your ways; and all nations will learn that you can save."
I pray God's mercy on us. I pray for God's continued intervention in our lives. I think back to what Rev. Dr. Cecelia Williams Bryant had said at a sermon, prophetic intervention is an at-risk procedure, but it will open the gates of Heaven! Speaking life is a prophetic intervention, we need more women speaking life. When we speak life in situations, in the name of Jesus, the Lord hears our prayers; the Lord knows our hearts. The gates of Heaven opens up and flood us with blessings. Remember, when praises go up, blessings come down! Can I have a witness?

Ta ta,
Therese from Belize

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