Thursday, September 17, 2009

But, Are You Listening?

Greetings, my friends:

As read from 1 John 1:3-5, "...God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. So if we say we have fellowship with God, but we continue living in darkness, we are liars and do not follow the truth. But if we live in light, God is in the light, we can share fellowship with each other...", I am telling you, God is worthy to be praise. I thank God for His Holy Spirit. What John is saying to us is that when God's Spirit lives and abides in us, there is a light that shines on us, when we have that light, we draw people to us and when people are drawn to us, they get to hear and know about the goodness of the Lord. Having fellowship with God requires obedience to God in the way we walk, the way we talk, praising God in good times and in bad times, reading and meditating on the Word. Having a fellowship with God happens anywhere and everywhere. I am telling you, when you are living in the light, you will not even realize that you are singing out loud to Christ, you don't even care who hears you; when you are living in the light, you know you'll find yourself just praising and worshipping God with other believers. Living in the light keeps you stomping on satan morning, noon and night, getting him dizzy, he doesn't even know why he tried to bother you any at all.

My friends, you have to be like an obedient child and listen to what I am saying. No one nows the hour or the day when our Lord will be here, but when He comes, only His chosen children will be going with him. I challenge you today, my friends, if you are a so-called "christian", a so-called "disciple", but still living in sin, I ask that you repent; I ask that you call on the name of the Lord during and after all you have went through. I pray for your courage, your strength, your renewal of the Holy Spirit in your life.

My friends, stay in your faith; stay strong. GOd bless.

Ta ta,
Therese from Belize

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